Saturday, 28 February 2015

Happy Women's Month - it's Time to Shine!

Wow! Aren't you happy to be alive! To be living for such a time as this! Yes, the days seem dark - but because of the depravity of our generation, there is a greater need and opportunity to shine Messiah's Great and overwhelming Love, not so?

The women in the photo above are some of the special women who share the moments in my own life. When I thought above this month of March and the special meaning of it, this photo came to mind and so I will be using it this month, on my posts.

This month of March is none other then Women's Month! Party, balloons, streamers, tea and chocolate! How is it Women's Month you may ask? Well, I'm about to tell you... But before I do, this month we will celebrate the launch of our heart stories. The launch of a collection of womens stories from across four continents and several countries. When God first laid this project on my heart, I asked Him - when should it be released? He showed me - March the 21st. Over the past week I have found my spirit bubbling up inside of me, just over flowing and overwhelming me with excitement for women. This month for me, means God is going to do something special on here! I just know it - boy am I excited! So here's why it's a highlighted month for women....

  • First off March is Women's History Month. The Women's History project is really amazing. Women's history month is all about highlighting how women's stories have been weaved in to the fabric of history worldwide. This year God showed me a tapestry, with threads connected together to form a beautiful finished piece of art. That's what happens when we weave our stories together and that's what we hope to achieve this month with releasing our stories for a greater audience. Each one of you are being used by God right now to write History, do you believe it? Well, it's true! And you dont need a big story, because your story is already big to God, you just need a surrendered Heart to Him. So let's celebrate our own lives today as women, because it's our month too! (For more on the women's history project click over here Weaving our Stories
  • 5 March; Second on the agenda this month is Purm! Whooppee, now I wanna scream even louder. Purim is the festival of Esther, it's the celebration of Esther's life, her dedicated obedience to God and her sacrifice to save her people. This year it is celebrated on Thursday the 5th of March, which is also a very special day for me - it is the day Yeshua first found me. The day of intimate salvation.
  • 8 March; The 8th of March marks international women's day. And the focus this year is on addressing how we can overcome inequalities and oppression. This day is about justice for women everywhere!
  • 21 March; This is the day of our Book Launch and it is Human Rights Day in South Africa. The issue of women's oppression globally is a major one - women abuse, gendercide, human trafficking, inequality, child brides, rape, lack of education for females - these are some of the issues we need to pray about. We can and also should stand in the gap, raise our voices and just be used by God to help our sisters overcome oppression and abuse. A day to raise our voices and our prayers! 
 So this month is special and I am excited. As God leads me and my heart prompts me tenderly, my posts will be focused on and for women, in one way or another (as they usually are anyway!) And I want to encourage you to celebrate your story this month, your voice, your heart and your worth to God. Throughout this month there are going to be some great features on some of the writers and artists in the Windows across Oceans E - Book Project.
This book has really become a joint project, we even have a special instrumental song entitled Healed by Idalette Muller, written specifically for this E - Book. Her song will accompany some audio stories that are going to be shared this month right here. So I want to leave you with these words that Father gave me this evening, 

Exodus 15:20 - 21
Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing.
Miriam sang to them:
“Sing to the Lord,
    for he is highly exalted.
Both horse and driver
    He has hurled into the sea.”

Let's take a tambourine up in our hands and lead our sisters out into a greater freedom! From the bondages of their personal Egypt's in to the perfect Love of Christ!
May this month be a blessed month of being all you can be in your Father, who loves you as His woman today and always! Celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you linked up at Velvet Ashes, Aliyah. So neat to see your passion and plans to celebrate women!
