Tuesday, 28 October 2014

The Loft - Why I blog..

I am joining the conversation on the couch this afternoon, with my beautiful peeps over at The Loft. So come on in and take a seat, today we are drinking some cold water (if you are in South Africa like me) or we are enjoying a hot cup of something good (if you in the Northern Hemisphere) so let’s talk about why do I blog?

I started this blog in 2011 to make sense of the depression I struggled with. Being a believer with depression opens you up to some very severe judgment not to mention condemnation. Given the fact that my husband and I were newly married and newly in full time ministry, I needed a place to go and share my feelings where I was not going to be judged. I found that space on my own blog. Once I had traversed the seven seas of healing, God did amazing miracles in my life and amazing healing, I no longer struggle with depression. So I let slip the hand of my own blog until this year.

Round March this year I was sitting thinking about writing an article on the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide. I had been writing for magazines for over 3 years and was enjoying seeing my stories, encouragement and psychological “advice” published. But God was taking me to a new level, He turned me softly back within and told me to take a look. I was amazed at what I saw – I saw a revived, fresh me who wanted to share from a deeper place. I started in March this year to write deeper, in April I published that post on Rwanda and after that I prayed about what Yeshua wanted me to do with my blog. He showed me that He wanted it to be a resting place, not only for others but also for me. A place I could rest beyond the judgments (I don’t publish judgmental or criticizing mother-like comments even) and a place I can just be open with my heart, which is vulnerable but here is the place I can be me. It is also a place where people can come and feel God’s presence, a place to rest, an open space. He gives me messages sometimes which I post on line. I do prophetic poetry – live and on stage and also in writing in my own poetry book and for anthologies etc. These are often birthed forth in messages for His daughters, His women, His bride. This blog is like the smell of a beautiful flower to me and I intend to guard this garden and be good with it. I always pray that God will keep nasties from this page, because there are so many bitter people who take to blogging to rant. This is not that place – this is a place that is open, an open garden where the smell is the fragrance left behind from where the King has been walking. I want to enjoy that smell and so I invite you to join in, see the open gate, walk through it and walk in the smell of Gods fragrance too!  You are always welcome.
(For more on this blog see my About this Website Page


  1. So lovely! Hello from the Northern Hemisphere! So glad you chose to join us on the couch at The Loft today. It sounds like God is working in and through you in beautiful ways. Excited to have you at The Loft.

    1. Hi Leah - thank you. I am so blessed to have you found your beautiful site where we get to talk and interact more personally. Thank you. Am enjoying it thoroughly and hoping to get to know each of you a bit better in the days to come! Many blessings!

  2. This is lovely, just lovely. Thank you so much for sharing your couch and that cold water. :) So great to meet you via the loft!

    1. Hi Arabah thank you, i loved sharing this space. Great to meet you too! Cheers :))))

  3. So many of our blogs were born out of a need for a safe place to express ourselves during a trial- I'm glad you found your safe place.

    1. Thanks Ren, isn't it amazing how God uses the wonders of technology to bring us in to that space and eventually to connect us with a larger caring world. May you be blessed today :)))

  4. Welcome to The Loft, I'm Cate! Your blog is such a peaceful place, I loved the pretty music I heard when I visited. You have such a precious heart. I am looking forward to hearing more from you! Have a blessed week, new friend!

    1. Hi Cate :)) aah this means a lot to me, thank you, I praise Yeshua. I am grateful you felt that peace and enjoyed the music. May you be so blessed, I treasure up what you said. Have a great week new friend :)

  5. Thank you for sharing a place for rest and respite. I'll definitely be back as I'm just going through some major life issues myself and like the option of "hiding away and resting" from time to time. You're definitely right about the judgment and criticism that we open ourselves to when we walk in faith but struggle with life. Thank you for sharing with us at The Loft, and may God continue to bless you as you seek to bless others!

    1. Shalom Rebekah - arms are open wide wide and so wide on here, I am glad you will be coming back, may you feel God's Love for you and may He give you the wisdom and the strength to navigate these seas of life. Thank you for being a part of running The Loft, it's a beautiful place, it has been an encouragement for me. Blessings

  6. Hello there, my dear friend. I'm glad your blogging. I'm richer for knowing you.

    1. Hello dear friend and I am richer for knowing you. I believe you are a natural ligth bearer and enourager, you radiate that light, thank you for being a light on my journey. May you be super blessed this week.
