Sunday, 19 October 2014

FMF - "Long"ing

Five Minute Friday - Here goes!
Long for you, this longing like a baby in it's mothers womb, drifting softly in the space of comfort being fed without a cry, without a sound. Birthed out in to the world, first cry is heard, the first cry of a baby longing still for it's mothers womb.
Crying still as I learn to walk, crying with the longing for Mother's Milk.
Crying with longing as I fall from a tree, broken bone, bruised knee, crying with crocodile tears, a child of five longing for its Mother's comfort in the midst of pain.
A teenager of 13, the dandelion fluff drifting from the parent stem but always fastened tight. Faces around me are mean, a bully,a teeanger, thrown in to lifes game at only thirteen. The longing from within me, the longing for Mother's Power, strong arms of protection, longing for Mother still.
A child of 21, key in hand, world open wide but still through the smile a longing, a longing to breath in Mother's womb, comfort and Guidance. The wombs calming power of calling a big world, small.
Smiling, married, comforted, whole, a disciple, married to the King of Kings, still longing, still yielding, still growing, always longing for the power of Mother still. 

Deuteronomy 32: 11 As an eagle that stirs up her nest, that flutters over her young, He spread abroad His wings and He took them, He bore them on His pinions.

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