About Aliyah

I too am not a bit tamed—I too am untranslatable;
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.
Song of myself, Walt Whitman 

 HI! (Big waves from over in South Africa) 

First off this blog is a passionate dance between me and my beloved Yeshua, Grace is the dress I dance in and Kingdom child is how He sees me, so this is where I live and breathe, in Yeshua's arms.

I am that child on the swing screaming push me higher Papa and then I am the quiet bride who wants to walk alone in the fields with my King. In all of this I am dynamic, complex and so much more in the Spotlight of ashamed Grace and Love. I love my King Yeshua. He gave it all for me and I am here to learn to Live with Him and bring Him near to others.

I am married to my most bestest (imagine a porky pig lisp here) friend ever! Together we are in full - time service (some call ministry). We write and we teach and we love to disciple and to build up the next generation of leaders (both young and old) as this is part of our calling. I ache with the Broken Heart of the Wounded Healer, for the healing of land. I love flowers, trees, the sound of ground, the love of the Land - did you know Papa speaks to land, as in physical land - well yup He does. He has given me the glimpse of Heaven's Throne by sharing the Love of Land in my heart. I love to see land healed.

I am pretty much a person who just wants to bring Yeshua - in all areas, I cannot be defined but I just choose whatever He has. I am also mommy to a big, fluffy cat named Pilach - he is our big baby and our bundle of love and joy.

I have a Masters degree in Biblical Counseling therapy and in that I wrote on the abuse of women and how the Church has dealt with it. I worked with trauma victims (mostly abuse victims) for 4 years and then last year I was exposed to the plight of human trafficked victims. I write prophetic poetry by inspiration of the Ruach hakodesh (Holy Spirit) and I have 3 published books out there... one on menstruation and another Poetry one, and more recently a bold call for women called Yehudit Chosen by God. I love to see the Healing Yahweh brings through the Hand of Words --It was His words which called the world in to being and so He calls in to our beings in the same way. Through the honey dew drops of His words - our spirits can be filled!

So here I am "tadah" small glimpse of a bigger picture. I hope we can connect across borders, places and continents. I have great friends in different places - may Father bless you mightily!

I love the written word and the value in it. God has called me to write prophetically for Him, to encourage and to share from His Heart of Love. I worked as a freelance journalist for a number of years for magazines in South Africa and internationally. I was involved with the Freedom Exhibition as the resident poet for Human Trafficking and a number of my poetic works have been featured in Anthologies and in my own Poetry Book. I am published author here in South Africa and my first historical novel was released in July 2016.

I feature some of my writing work, along with my new book over on my author website Lauren Jacobs. I love blogging and having this special space here where I have met so many wonderful people who have become friends. These connections have been such a blessing, precious to my life, so I hope you enjoy this blog and pop over to the site, to learn more about my book Yehudit Chosen of God. Also, to see where I have written lately, check it out over here; My Work.Also, let's connect on Instagram, I love photos!

Aliyah Lauren  


  1. Grace is the dress I dance in !!!

    I love this! Carrying these words with me today!

    Nice to meet you!


    1. Shalom Emily - the dress fits well on you! May you continue to remain in His arms... nice to meet you too!

  2. Nice to meet you Aliyah! Stopping by via Thee Angel Project 30 day link up. Looking forward to following your journey. Beautiful artwork by the way!

    1. Hey Tiffany - thanks for stopping by! lets dance together on our journeys of life - may you be so blessed! ~!

  3. Thank you for these words. I know you...you are HIs!

    1. Hey Chris - I am glad to have met you, your encouragement always lights up my day. Yup we are His!

  4. Beautiful words. What a sense of peace I get from reading them. Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry, for you are doing great things for the King!

    1. Thank you Gisela, and you too! May you likewise be blessed as you share your heart with others on line and in day to day living. May the king go before and behind you in everything. Shalom in abundance!

  5. Just found your blog through #TellHisStory. Boy would I love to sit across the table from you with a cup of coffee. It is so rare to find a Christian who counsels trauma victime.

    1. Hi Laura! Ah I would so love that, to have a cup of coffee and a chat. Yeah, I really found it so special to counsel trauma victims, in South Africa trauma is everywhere and people are in need of a God - Love Touch. Thank you for visiting and may God bless you richly today!

  6. You are beautiful in your dress of grace.

  7. BTW would love to subscribe to your blog posts, but can't see that option anywhere. I'm on WordPress, so maybe that's why.

    1. Hey Anna\! I would love that. If you go back on the home page of this blog, you will find a subscribe picture on to your right! I couldn't also find the Subscribe on your page? You probably right though, its because I'm on blogger and you on wordpress!!

  8. HI Aliyah, just loved the post on Elsie who saved so many Jews. She reminds me of Irene Sendler... I looked for a blogsite and am wondering it W.h.O is you or another site... dan you let me know? Thanks. Bev

  9. Hey Bev, hi nice to see you :) Yip for my love and passion of diving in to women's stories in History, I have started up a new series called W.H.O on my site, so yes it's me :) You won't find it elsewhere, hope that helps. I have been writing on women in history for different places and more specifically, the forgotten women of history that we don't talk about or don't know about. I'm excited to feature them here, enjoy! Aliyah :)))))

  10. awwww Bianca - you are too cousin :))))) I love ya!

  11. Love reading of your love for our LORD! You blessed me today!

  12. Thank you for being who you are, as you are, where you are! I began a study this morning on looking for a woman in the Bible who is rarely discussed and learned about Sheerah. Which lead me to your blog about her, which led me here to learn more about you. Truly a sister from the other side of the pond!!! So as I get dressed in the wee hours of the morning, I look in my closet for my "dress of grace" even though it is in the image of jeans and a t-shirt to the untrained eye. much love your way from Branson,Mo

    1. Shalom Deborah, how wonderful to read your message today! Thank you for sending love across the pond, it is felt. May your day be spectacular, filled with the expectation of miracles, yet seeing the fulfillment of all you hope for. Much love from your sister in South Africa.
