Friday, 3 April 2015

It's Passover!!

We enter in to this season - it's Passover.
The lamb awaits, the smell of roasting garlic fills the air. Grape juice licks the gold rimmed glass, while matzah cracks between my fingers. I close my watering eyes and eat the radish, the reminder of the bitterness of our sin. I smile smugly when I munch on that cinnamony - charoset, a reminder of the bricks we made in Egypt's slave net. I sit around the table and breathe in, Elijah's cup is at the end of the table, glistening. My favourite time would always come, run to the doors and shout "Let Elijah Come!" 

It's Passover season. Not a day or an hour, not a hurried service or rushed sermon, it's a season. A time to quieten our hearts, come like broken pots and lay it all down at the place where we are made whole, at the foot of the Stake of the Beloved Lamb. I feel His Love around me, His Light touches the hidden places within me, the places desperate for His Touch. His Song it draws me, through the blood - stained door that spelled slavery. His Love it surrounds me, His sacrifice it overwhelms me. There is nothing that can hold me, even death cannot bind me. It's Passover season, a time of liberation. I lay myself down, in the arms of the One who gave it all and say "thank You Yeshua, I love You!"

*Passover starts tonight at sunset till tomorrow night sunset and then the Feast of Unleavened Bread starts for seven days. A time where we eat no yeast according to the Biblical command and we walk tightly in to the hidden places of our lives - that need Yeshua our Messiah's Loving Touch. Leviticus 23 details and outlines the instructions for the Biblical feasts of God. Chag Sameach Pesach!*


  1. Visiting from FMF--"It's Passover season. Not a day or an hour, not a hurried service or rushed sermon, it's a season. A time to quieten our hearts, come like broken pots and lay it all down at the place where we are made whole, at the foot of the Stake of the Beloved Lamb. I feel His Love around me, His Light touches the hidden places within me, the places desperate for His Touch. His Song it draws me, through the blood - stained door that spelled slavery. His Love it surrounds me, His sacrifice it overwhelms me. There is nothing that can hold me, even death cannot bind me. It's Passover season, a time of liberation. I lay myself down, in the arms of the One who gave it all and say "thank You Yeshua, I love You!" I love that whole paragraph. Especially about his light touching the hidden places.

    I'm feeling it in small ways, in the tears I shed as he speaks to me. Thank you for sharing this :) I needed be reminded this isntthe end, again.

    1. shalom dear friend, bless you - its not the end! may Gods love enfold you and touch those hidden places, He loves us so much He will come for all the places within! Thanks for visiting and truly may you be mightily blessed in His Love and Passion for you!

  2. Shalom dear friend and thank you for bringing me into the beauty of your world - the world of my Savior Jesus for He touched, felt and knew the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Thank have blessed me. Yours....~Chris~
