Thursday, 30 April 2015

Windows across Oceans Trailer! A Message of Love

I am so excited for all the things Father is doing - one of these things is my hubby now launching in to video teachings for our ministry. He is literally my tutorial now when it comes to videos and he helped me bring a prompting to life. A Holy Spirit fired up prompting to make a beautiful snippet trailer about our book Windows across Oceans.

Fathers heart and message for this video is one of hope and love. I want to encourage you to send this on to friends, share it on the social vibes and just send it on to someone who needs to know that Christ is enough. The greatest Love Story is the one we live in, the one where He came along and rescued us from our lives of desolation, bore our sins and death and carried us in to a place called Love. This is the message behind this video. It's about Yeshua's Love for all of us and how the burnt places in our own lives - the nsippets in our stories, faded in the Light of His Love and Grace.

Enjoy the video - and may you be super blessed!
(A Big shout out to my wonderful hubby for all his hard work with this :))
A dear friend Idalette, a wonderful songstress and artist recorded this instrumental piece just for our Windows across Oceans project, I am sure you will agree with me, that it's deeply moving and amazing. Thanks Idalette! 
(Please dont forget to pause the player on the right, so that you can pause the music on the blog!)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful trailer and I am sure the stories are all ones that have so much meaning. Thank you for sharing this at The Weekend Brew.
