Friday, 18 December 2015

FMF - Always

This week, we choosing our own word and mine is always! Go!

 God is beautiful. This morning as I stood outside and took in the fresh, warm air I heard the birds in the distance and their song ministered to me. I love the bird song, it's sweet. A melody I have grown to hear when I find rest within my soul. This week was difficult, tiring and in it, I have let go. Let go of having to have it all together, of standing tall and straight up, letting go in to the arms of Love. My position inside was mirrored when I sat on my bed yesterday afternoon and just sunk in to those pillows, safe in the arms of Love. And I felt this tremendous weight of Love, the Love of God all around me and I felt His presence near. He whispered "can you feel that, even now I'm holding you." 

It's okay to sink in that place of not having to be that smiling person who has it all together because no matter what, He holds me in the good times and in the bad. And last night as I put on some music, I could dance as the sun set and the music moved. Bryan Adams, old school and then I heard the words anew of my old favourite song, "I'd fight for you, walk the wire for you, yeah I'd die for you... you know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you." And isn't it true, God could have written this song for me and for you, because He did die for me, walked the wire for me and continues to say, I'm holding you, because everything I do, I do it for you.....  

Linking with Kate M  


  1. Yes, I've had days and moments like that and it's good we have God to hold us and carry us through! Thank you for sharing your words with us! Happy Friday to you! (Your neighbor at FMF)

    1. Happy Friday Rachel, blessed you visited. Have a wonderful holiday season :)

  2. I love These words: "Let go of having to have it all together, of standing tall and straight up, letting go in to the arms of Love". Beautiful + vulnerable. Lovely. Merry Christmas & thanks for visiting today. -Ever grateful. -christina

    1. Hey Christina, grateful you visited and thanks so much for your words, have a fabulous weekend and may His arms of Love enfold you! Much lv in Him!
