Monday, 12 October 2015

An act of Bravery

It’s hard when people dig in to your words. It’s hard to have bled so many times and shared such depth from your heart and God’s heart, that once it’s birthed on paper its almost too sacred to share with others. I have felt that way so many times about writing. I write at times afraid to say things because people don’t quite understand. And I am realising that writing is an act of bravery.

The past week has been a hard one in terms of this great warfare called God inspired writing. My manuscript was suddenly returned to me with the editors notes and now I am required to stare into someone else’s opinion, devoid of my own. I think the hardest thing is the coldness of it all, an editor spiritually worlds apart from my own spiritual walk, pointing fingers, deleting and cutting into precious words on paper. As so many people have reminded me this week, writing is deeply personal, it’s your heart on open paper, true indeed. Deeper still, it’s the revealing of your hearts connection with your God.

I’m sure this is not the harshest editor on the block, but many editors tend to forget that there is a person on the other side of the script. Today God is reminding me of Joshua and the bravery he had to carry in leading the people into the promised land. “I will fight for you,” is Father’s promise to me and I am calmly reminded just how brave God ordained writers truly are. We communicate God’s Heart, His Hands, His words on paper and many will not like us for it, neither will they understand. 

Please spare this tender heart a thought today, even as you read my words and know that somewhere I am doing something brave. Even as the mountain looms signalling the border crossing in to the promised land, like Joshua I breathe in and know victory does not belong in me but it is complete as God fights for me. May I have this God strength in every muscle as I plough on into uncharted lands… with His Voice ever near whispering, Courage Dear Heart.

Sharing this week with Sunday Stillness and Spirit Kissed Soul


  1. Love the Lewis' quote "Courage, dear heart." Praying the Spirit may comfort you and heal your tender heart. Writing does require courage!
    your neighbor at Playdates with God

    1. Hey Constance nice to meet you, thanks for stopping by! I just love this quote as well, it's a really special message from Father!

  2. I am praying for your courage! I relate well to this post. It is sometimes even terrifying to put your heart out for the world to interpret as they will! However, God inspired means God will do with it what He needs done. He will accomplish a good thing in whomever He chooses. I'm focusing on that tonight as I keep trying to be brave! Thank you !!!
    Blessings and smiles,

  3. Yes! It hurts so much because you put your whole self into your words. Don't be discouraged, though. Keep writing for YOU and HIM!

    1. Hey jeri, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement, remembering this today!
