Saturday, 3 October 2015

What Cinderella's Prince taught me about Male Vulnerability

I watched the new non-animated Cinderella movie with bated breath. I was quite familiar with the story, but I confess, I hardly expected to be impressed, either by the plot or the characters, or to see any nuance or complexity in the film's interpretation. I have since watched it over and over again and I am haunted, in a good way, by the character of Kit, Cinderella’s love interest. His character reflects many traits that our culture teaches us that “maleness” is not. He is vulnerable, kind, gentle, teachable—a man with deep feeling and sense, and he is open and fathered.

I wrote the following post over at the Christian for Biblical Equality Scroll, please click the link to read the rest of this heart felt post, I had so much fun writing it!

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