Friday 1 August 2014

Five Minute Friday: Begin

Five Minute Friday time to share one last time over at Lisa Jo's. To share our hearts without interruption, without pause or correction. Here goes!
Begin, I hit a blank with this word. I dont like the word begin, I often find  my beginnings happen in the middle of something - in the middle, now thats a phrase or word I can connect with. But beginnings aren't necessarily a starting point, because think about it, often when you start something new - you have been prepared for it long ago, so in essence you not beginning but you are carrying on. There is a wonderful moment where we begin - like the day you got saved, it was a beginning but now you are traversing your high seas to enjoy the middle, until you run in to the end and then essentially you never reach the end because you in fact have been prepared for the beginning of Heavens sight. I have this sense that when you walk a path with Yeshua (Jesus) your life is a wonderful pathway of doors, opening and closing. What may feel like a beginning is in fact sometimes something wonderfully in the middle, because God was using years to prepare you for the "new" thing. It is my conviction that we begin once - at the day of salvation and we are made new daily on our journey, but the steps of this journey lay on top of each other - they are progressive, cumulative and this should give us hope! because we once begun, now we are working daily to enjoy the middle until we reach the end, which is a new beginning.....

I amuse myself at what comes out sometimes, praises to Yeshua! Today for the last time I am linking up with
Lisa Jo


  1. Stopping by from the Five-Minute Friday linkup. Thank you for sharing! You're right, life is a pathway of doors, and one ending is a new beginning.

  2. Cool. Looks so many is you connecting in the where two or more are gathered are in it with Lisa Jo. I'm enjoying this and it is a new beginning for me. A good beginning with rich rewards.
