Friday 27 May 2016

FMF - Finding "Cheer"

FMF Time - Ready, Set, Go! 

 I stepped out on to the balcony and got my boggie on, the perfect Autumn sun just shone and the red leaves of fall hung on the trees everywhere. Autumn is by far one of my favourite seasons and here in South Africa, in the countryside where I live, it is showing up everywhere. I love it, the sun and the Autumn leaves that hang, it cheered me up. Made me smile. A different response from the heavy heart I took in to prayer this morning, to find comfort from the One who is Comfort. In my prayers, I opened up and found something else begin to take place. I found that my mind was shifted in to mindful gratitude and with it, I saw beautiful realities in the lives of the women I know. This week seemed to shift something for many.

I found cheer, in the difference others are making. In a sister who just returned from outreach in Nepal. In a friend who despite being in a bad place financially, sitll manages to get up everyday and work transforming dump sites in to parks for others. In my aunt who decided to turn my god - childs first holy commuion this weekend, in to a time where my little niece does not receive gifts but rather gives gifts. Everyone has been asked to bring toiletries and they will go to a safe house for human trafficking. In another spiritual sister who is mobilising her school to collect goods for the same safe house. In my mom who has approached her medical company to donate medical supplies for the same safe house. And in a brother who is taking the needs of trafficked victims to his bike club to help. This week I sent out a little message to my family members telling them about this safe house, I never expected the response I received, and it warmed my heart this morning. In my desperate state, while dealing with other issues, I could have missed the joy of seeing how people are thinking of others and making a difference right where they are. Because we need each other in unity, to make a difference in this world, and this difference has brought such cheer to my heart today, along with the Autumn sun. 

Have a great weekend all!!

Linking with Five Minute Friday


  1. Beautiful examples of cheer. :) Thanks for sharing, visiting from FMF

  2. Great photo! And it is so encouraging to see people thinking of others and doing something positive to make a difference. That's definitely something to cheer about! Visiting from FMF.

    1. Hey Carly, thank you! I loved this photo too, there are piles of leaves lying everywhere here and I just wanna throw them around for real! Yea its really brightened my week to see people thinking of others, its contagious. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Beautiful examples of practical love and generosity- thanks for sharing and cheering me up as well!

    1. Hey Emma, it's a pleasure :)) SO glad I bring you a little cheer today, may you have a blessed weekend!
