Friday, 22 August 2014

Five Minute Friday - Change

Five Minute Friday Time - Go!!
Many years ago I had a friend who would often say “it takes one man to start a revolution.” He would usually say this at parties or braais (barbeques) when no one wanted to be the first man or woman to dish some food up. While he would say this with intense humour, the saying always stuck with me. Last weekend my mom and I had a conversation about the French Revolution. Her forefathers were French Hugenots who came to South Africa to escape religious persecution in Europe, so French history interests her somewhat. Despite the glitz and glamour that the French Revolution seems to hold on people – history attests to the bad nature of the whole thing. More people died through senseless brutality, more blood was spilled and lives lost in the French Revolution then before the peasants revolted against the aristocracy. This led me to thinking that we really have to know what we are fighting for. Yes God is calling us to change things, but are we doing it His way or in the way of the world? While many organisations and individuals are feeding orphans and aiding refugees, are they doing it alongside the Gospel, the Love and Mercy of Christ or is He sidelined? If we are the light of the world, are we not hiding that light by helping others as believers but not sharing Gods love? There seems to be a growing trend to do this and I am strongly against it, because true justice, true love and true change was shown to us right from the Garden of Eden – when God provided a covering for our sins. Ultimately our true redemption and real change can only come through the One who gave it all – Messiah Yeshua our Change maker and History Shaper. Be the change you want to see in the world but make sure you are doing it His way in His Power and in His Name.
Linking up with Kate Motaung

1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to rush forward and not consider if we are doing the work in God's way and in his power. It is true, God has been sidelined in the name of a noble cause. That is tragic because "good" without the Gospel is missing the real point of it all.
    "Good" with the Gospel and not God's way and in his power is even more tragic. Without God's will and his power, we lack the true good and power of the Gospel.
    Matched all together, in the same package, it is a beautiful picture. May we endeavor to bring about change by God's direction, in his power, and resting in the Gospel.
    Thank you for your words. I'm visiting from FMF.
