Monday, 1 June 2015

The Beautiful Things

There is beauty everywhere sings my heart! Beauty in You oh King of my Heart.
I am enraptured by beauty, the ducks dancing as they bathe, the guinea fowl comfused as they sit on the roof and wonder how to climb that rickety fence. And to think how I often miss it when I busy trying to meet the deadlines and goals that sometimes cloud my vision. How I can miss they beauty that You paint for me everyday, just for me. This is where I am alive, when I am staring at Your beauty. When I am hearing that music and sensing that song deep down inside. Thank You for the Freedom, for leading me from that busyness. It's not destined for me, but You are and right here with You is where I long to be. Dance with You, caught up with You, You are so beautiful Yeshua. I rest with You, my vision changed I was caught up in the world of things not destined for me. Here is where I am with You, peaceful at rest with You. Thank You for finding me and leading me from the busyness not made for me....

I love photos, so I am sharing some of the beautiful things of my life today...
What are the beautiful things you can see today?

Sharing with Coffee with Winter


  1. I love your praises that you are singing! God's beauty certainly is everywhere and being still long enough will open our eyes in new ways to see it all. Blessed you shared this at The Weekend Brew.

  2. So true! I see beauty in nature, especially in my two dogs.
