Saturday, 15 November 2014

Thirty Days of Gratitude

Just yesterday I visited Jeri's blog and read about her 30 Days of Gratitude list. It is something so beautiful and so intentional. Being grateful is intentional and I personally believe it is a discipline we can cultivate. Personally, it has been a strange season these past few weeks. A season where dreams seem to be postponed, vision seems just that vision alone. Hopes seem to grow dim while time continues to move. Yet I know there is much I am grateful for here and just yesterday I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to do this, for a deeper reason then I know. While I wrote this down I realised just how happy I am for all my blessings! Here is my intentional gratitude list today and I want to encourage you to visit Jeri and get her download and do your own list, let it flow and let it go!

One thing worth its weight in gold..... my hubby!

One thing I found when I looked up today..... the most amazing sky as I walked out of the mall. The entire sky was cloudy with one ray of sunshine peaking through, it was breath taking. 

One thing restful..... sitting on my blog, enjoying the music and resting. What a blessing because I started this blog for this resting place.

One thing sung...... today the music flowed, His eye is on the Sparrow - one of my favourites by Lauryn Hill

One thing savoured.... the feeling of love

One thing that nurtures your soul..... just resting here

One thing of a blessing in disguise.... my current detox the homeopath put me on last week, what a blessing it has been. Wheat free, sugar free - my life has changed, Im not going back, I am so grateful!

One thing unexpected..... fish and chips with my hubby tonight, what a good meal!

One thing that took my breath away...... I am currently reading through Genesis and I am pausing to learn about all the relationships and connections in this book. This afternoon I was reading about Rebecca and how she watered the camels. How she loved Isaac and how much he loved her from the moment he saw her. Their whole relationship was just a God connection, it literally physically just took my breath away today. I think they would have been amazing friends to have :)))

One thing I realised today..... I realised more about myself today and my journey in this life and I am so very grateful that although I dont always know the answers yet, God has all the answers already. Daily, He is teaching me more about me and I am loving it.

One thing I am grateful for this week..... solitude, I love being alone, just me, it has been refreshing. I am grateful. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Thank you for joining us at T@T. I agree ... and I wrote, that gratitude is a discipline, one I try to practice too. Have a great day. Hope to see you again this week ... the prompt comes out tomorrow morning, you guessed it, at 10. =)
