Thursday, 6 November 2014

Seeking in You what is in Me

Elizabeth heard the footsteps beyond the door. The soft crunch on the gravel and then the footsteps on the soft rocks that led to the wooden front door. The door opened softly and as the light shone in, there stood Mary. Mary, the beautiful young woman who radiated light from within. Mary, The young woman whom Elizabeth loved. Mary. Elizabeth reached out to her young cousin and held her in her arms, as she did the baby in her womb leapt for joy, what was that Elizabeth wondered, what was that? Are those tears Mary? And at once while Elizabeth used her very own skin to wipe away Mary’s salty tears that stained her cheeks, Mary sat down in to the wooden rocking chair and told her older cousin everything. As they spoke life began to grow in the room. Life. Flowing from the four beings that inhabited the small room. Life. Life from within their wombs, life from within their spirit bellies. Life from within the One who made it all, life from the one who would proclaim and call out repentance is the only way. Life. They held hands, Mary and Elizabeth and they prophesied huddled together in that small room and they spoke words which would change the world. Words, which would change the very nature of the moon, and stars and sun. Four beings huddled together in that very room, away from the worlds gaze, alone but together. Jesus, John, Mary and Elizabeth. 

How many times do we seek to know life inside of another woman, the woman opposite us at the coffee shop, the woman in front of us in the mall queue? I’m not talking about the baby inside of her, I am talking about life, the life that is within her. All her unused gifts and talents, her forgotten calling and weary, dried up spirit. How about the life of godliness that echoes about her, the way she loves Christ, the way she loves others. Do we seek to know the lines of life etched in to her hands, the way she serves at the soup kitchen, while the sink in her own leaks. Or the life that breathes from within her because she is so filled with Godly honour and love. Or are we conforming to the standards of the world by always feeling threatened by one another. How many times have you seen that? Women threatened by women and yet here we are, alive and should we not be ready to seek out that which we love about others? Mary and Elizabeth knew how. They were softly confident in the King above them and fully knowing their legitimacy in the King. Unafraid to let life flow from within them. We have such a uniqueness within us, within each one of us. I dream we will find ourselves and then seek to find others, to call them out and help them be set free. To help them be cleansed of sin so that life can breathe from within. Let us seek it out, seek out the life in others! Father help us love, not feel threatened or intimidated, help us help one another. Help us not hurt one another, to take care of our own and to love from a place of wholeness. Help us not use our lives fro destruction, or our beauty for malice and intimidation, but Father help us be all we can be for the Kingdom and help us be less flesh, so that we can call out the beauty in one another!


  1. I enjoyed your post. I love the comparison of Mary and Elizabeth to us seeking the life of Christ in one another. Beautiful perspective.

    1. shalom sister! thank you so much, I am blessed you enjoyed it :)) May you have a wonderful weekend! :)))

  2. BEAUTIFUL post! Thank you so much for being a part of my Tuesday at Ten! I enjoyed this read very much!!! thank you for sharing!

  3. Hey Karen I love YOUR tuesday at ten, I like that it is a small community and the post are so meaningful. Many blessings and good to see ya!
