Thursday, 27 November 2014

There is a silence where Words come From!

Shalom all my fellow Peeps!

It is funny, you have all been in my heart even though I have not been posting, I have been hovering when I get the chance. Hovering and staying honoured to learn of all the ups and downs, all the God moments and heart moments you all have been going through. I am in this beautiful season of sublime quietness and stillness. Yahweh our God knows just what to do and even while I am missing the rest of this blog I was reminded of something a friend of mine always said. "There is a silence where words come from."

How true is that! My life is wonderfully full and God is doing amazing deep things within me. I am a vessel in His Strong Mighty Hands and as some of you already know, I am hosting a women abuse event on 6th of December (next Saturday!). It has been an amazing ride, so please I would like to ask that you ladies please keep me and the day in prayer. Even if it is a 2 minute prayer for us, all our hearts desires flow to the Throne Room. I believe so deeply that many are coming and many will be touched by the King. I hope to get some wonderful pictures to share!

This term I started art again after a God ordained break to finish a project I was working on. I can only say that each time I step in to the art class now, something new happens for me, it is truly magical. I praise Yeshua! Last night just before I drifted in to lah-lah land, I was reflecting on the word "Grace." I believe it has one fundamental meaning for all of us who believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah in the flesh. However, for wherever we are in our different seasons of life, Grace takes on new meaning and new faces. As I felt my heart turning over the word Grace, right before I drifted off, I felt my heart proclaim - Grace! Girl Resting in the Assurance that Christ is Enough!
That's me - that's my King, He is Enough, enough for everything!
I just love this Beautiful King of ours and I just want to send you all so much Love in Yeshua. God is truly doing so many amazing things in all of your lives and I honour how each one of you are reaching out and growing, even when it is challenging. Today I met a woman who said she doesnt dream anymore, she is too old to dream ( she is only in her 50's). It was really startling to hear those words, I pray that in someway she will start to dream again. Because I believe truly truly that we are in a God - ordained season of dreams, little girl dreams, big girl dream, big God dreams... it is time to dream again, so let's dream and dream deep!
Praying you are all blessed and that Faith will be your portion and that Grace will be your comfort!
Many blessings of Shalom!!


  1. G.R.A.C.E.--love it! God is so amazing to speak to us in those still, quiet moments! Praying for your upcoming event--that God will flow through every part and into every heart. Many blessings to you. Connecting from Holley Gerth's blog today.

  2. Beautiful. Your joy and peace is flows from your words.
