Sunday, 9 November 2014

In the Clouds

Tonight my husband and I watched the animated movie Ratatouille. I found it such a delightful movie. I loved the ending, it was my favourite bit and it was so sweet!

It whispered to me "imagine."
Imagine - little girl dreams.
All the things we longed to be as kids, all the things we spent time imagining.
Lying on our backs on the grass and staring up the clouds, imagining the shapes in the sky.
All the time we spent as little girls, imagining the beauty of life all around us.
Imagining that the birds could talk and the trees could sing.
That if we touched the fur coat in the cupboard it just may be Narnia in there, imagine..
And sweetest of all - imagine..... what you could become when you finally grew tall.

How sweet to imagine and don't we lose our imagination as we get older and life gets more serious, we grow too soon and forget we are all still kids, God's Kids. 
So it is time to imagine... I'm ready to be Remy, with nothing but a dream and also the reality that what I imagine is not just imagination but something deep within, I don't have to pretend, I don't have to hide behind someone else's hat and pull their puppet strings. I can be me, with my little girl dreams, smiling and shrieking, happily imagining! 

1 comment:

  1. We just love this movie and yes I agree we need to keep our imagination alive. Thanks for sharing at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
