Thursday 28 January 2016

MY Blog Address has Changed

Hi Everyone

After a frustrating time with the company I registered my blog with a year ago, I decided not to register my domain name again. So my blog is now parked at
With it being a blogspot again, it also offers https, which means your browsing is more secure!

I know there has been some questions and I have received emails from people who thought my blog has disappeared, but be assured I'm not going anywhere! Please just use the new address as the old one doesnt work anymore!

Have a blessed Wednesday all - I'm in bed with flu, sniff....



  1. Don't you just hate when you have to move your blog because of security, spambots and trolls? Yeah, me too! I've got your new home bookmarked. Get well soon!

    1. Absolutely Jeri! its nuts and unhelpful people too! Have a great weekend!
