Friday, 12 February 2016

FMF - There's No Limits!!

Five Minute Friday, Go! This week's word is Limit!

 Guess I'm on an absolutely high today after a tough week and I give Glory to God. How beautfiul His Grace and His Happiness. Happiness is found in Him and oh how good it is! I've just had a great day - watching cricket with my hubby, while snacking prematurely on our Sabbath Kitke, with dip and salt and vinegar chips! Loving how sport always teaches us lessons we would never have learned and realising again just how deep my life's walk is and will continue to be. We walk through things people wont see, and that's the beauty of a life lived with and solely for Messiah. We dont have to tell everyone everything, or make them understand because God knows and when we celebrate great victories that He brings us to, He knows what we went through to get there and its enough.

Last week I was surprised with an offer from a movie director, to write a faith - based film script based on a true story of one woman's journey through cancer and how God healed her. When praying about my decision, I felt the touch of Heaven on me and I knew I had to be involved. Meeting with the director yesterday, I suddenly realised how God has me writing women's stories. My first book out in July, is a true woman's story, my second is a true story and now this film is a true story and I marvel at the limitlessness of God's amazing Grace and Love. Back in 2011 when I first heard God's voice saying that I would write to change women's lives, I cried because I did not know when or how. And today, here I am, small but marvelling in God's Hands. I am His and if He ordains these things for me, I rejoice, these are my beautiful things to enjoy. I will walk where no one can see and grow with only my King and in this, I know I am leaving behind my heart's dream - to leave behind something for the next generation, for the people around me. And it's all because Father's Grace is limitless and His love endless and He has chosen this all for me, because of His Love! 

Sharing with Kate M 


  1. I love this: "We walk through things people wont see, and that's the beauty of a life lived with and solely for Messiah. We dont have to tell everyone everything, or make them understand because God knows"
    It's true, AND it's ok and even special - when He's the only one who knows.

    Excited for you about your books and the movie...keep us posted on how it goes!

    1. Hey Michelle, thank you so much. It is true - its special! Dont you love that, I have really found peace inside, contentment at knowing I can walk with Him and not have to share everything :) I will definitely keep you all posted on how it goes, I'm so relying on grace for these new challenges! Have a great week :)))

  2. how exciting to think about a God without limits

  3. His grace is truly limitless, isn't it? I am so very thankful for it. Congratulations on your offer of writing a movie.

    ~#76 on the FMF linkup

  4. Stopping by from FMF linkup. Aren't you so grateful that God's grace is limitless? I know I sure am. Big congrats on your offer!!!
    Be blessed this week!

    ~#76 on linkup this wk
