Sunday, 1 November 2015

A Great Victory - the end of China's One Child Policy!

Tonight I am just so overwhelmed with God's amazing love and Goodness, the "big-ness" of Him and the wonder! So many amazing things have happened, deep things that cannot be expressed in words because they are just too big!
But this evening what I do want to share with you, is this amazing news my husband shared with me today.

For those of you who have been following my journey on here, you will know that I have a big heart for Gendercide. (Here are the list of posts on this subject - Gendercide Links)

Gendercide is the routine, intentional killing of infants through abortion or infanticide (the killing of babies below 12 months of age) simply because the babies are girls.It is estimated that in China alone, 200 million baby girls have been killed because of the One - child Policy that was instituted in 1979 to curb China's population growth. Today 30 million men are without wives in China, and countless individuals have suffered torture, harassment and hardships for their desire to have more than one child. The one - child policy was instituted as a temporary policy which was suppose to be in place a few years and yet it devastated the health of a nation without any indication of its end.

The reality of the one child policy, caused the death of millions of precious lives, precious Esthers, Mary's, Martha's, Joan of Arcs and Deborah's! God's heart is broken because of the sin of man and His breaking heart was expressed in many men and women giving up their lives to oppose gendercide in China. Many Christians have done battle on their knees, fervently praying for this policy to end and for little girls to have their freedom!

Last year, I hosted a meeting in collaboration with All Girls Allowed, an organisation fighting to end gendercide. I will never forget how God told me to pray for gendercide to end, for rape to end, for the oppression to end. He told me to pray big prayers and to believe. I shared that with the crowd and together we agreed that God can do it!
And so this week - God did it! China's government finally, after 36 years, they abolished the one child policy and have lifted the ban on having one child. This means that lives will finally be spared, halleluYah! Isn't God good!

With this incredible victory, we also need to be aware of the fact that there is still much work to be done. For 36 years the highly competitive and patriarchal Chinese society will have to re-learn that girls are valuable, they have worth and they are special. They will have to re - learn that girls bring honour to their family in the same manner that boys do and they are made in the image of God. These prejudices against girls rooted in the devil's schemes, will have to be undone and only a move of God can do this and so we continue to pray for it while we rejoice in the fact that the removal of this policy is like a chain coming undone. We rejoice because He says pray for it and watch me do it!

Let us pray the big prayers family, for our nations and our families and watch our faithful Messiah Yeshua do the big things we never dreamed imaginable!

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