Friday, 4 July 2014

Five Minute Friday: Exhale

Your five Minutes Starts now!
Exhale, is it over? The storms continue to rage, its windy, weather starts to turn and its stormy out there and inside but in here, in me, its okay, time to exhale. God keeps telling me “You are mine, I have called you by name, when you go through the waters you will not drown and the fire? Dont worry about that one, its not gonna burn you, no not even close, not even the flame will be able to kindle on you. Your garments wont smell and your hair wont be stinky, you going to come out of this alright, in fact better then alright – you going to come out of this fantastic. How? Well, you can’t see it now, but wait till its yours and you are holding it in your hands and then you gonna see it and you gonna be super alright child, you will see! Breathe in and breathe out, exhale, open your hands, palms up, eyes open, heart restful, bring yourself to me and let it be – exhale, not in your breathe but in your heart, in your head, in your mind, exhale – let yourself be. Exhale, it’s been heavy, too heavy, its been crossing the red sea and the Jordan Valley, it’s been a personal journey they don’t see, it’s not theirs, it’s ours – I am here, never left you, never gonna fail you beautiful one, exhale, open up those hands, let it all go like leaves blowing from a tree branch, gone with the wind, free. You are free, don’t let that wind come and whisper to you little lies like foxes, you are free and i am here right beside you, never let you go, never gonna let you go, exhale, let me catch it, your breathe, your need, you -  never gonna let you go, look up and see in it all, I am with you holding your hand, crossing that sea, parting those waves, drying up the Jordan River, it’s Me! I am never going to let you go! I <3 you!

God really ministered personally to me as I started to write, He knew and this message was so for me personally, but you can hear from Him too! I am feeling super blessed! 
Linking up with Lisa JO 


  1. I praise God for your post and the lovely song. Both ministered to me. Thank you. Visiting from Five Minute Friday. Blessings to you.

    1. Shalom E! Thank you for visiting it is nice to "see" you again and I am just praising His Holy name that He ministered to you. May you have a wonderful weekend. Many blessings

    2. God is good...Thank you for sharing on FMF.
