Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Lessons with Pilach

I have an adorable, very fluffy, very big Norwegian Forest Cat with an attitude. His name is Pilach – tadahhhh *meet Pilach!*

I learn a lot of things by being a mommy to this baby, who is often rude, obnoxious, cute and just the best family member ever! Just yesterday I was making the bed and Pilach was sitting watching me intently. It was really cold outside and the winter rain was falling while the black clouds created night in the daytime. Even though I was changing the bedding I was intrigued by Pilach and his child-like demure. He reminded me so much of myself as a child. Looking over at mom who seemed a million miles away and just wanting to be noticed. It was a very precious moment! And then suddenly my husband started letting the air out of his tyres in the spare room and Pilach, who is easily shaken up by sudden noises, jumped in to the air and was clearly frightened. I don’t like seeing him like that even after ten years of living with me, he still gets frightened by noises. I rescued him from the pound and am assured that his year and a half spent elsewhere before I met him, was a year and a half of hell. His one eye had iris damage and he was scared to eat, scared to move too quickly and had nose damage. Happily enough however, Pilach came to the right home and his life is just filled with so much love and so much prayer (we lay hands on him and pray blessings over him every day) that he in fact has an amazing testimony (even of how God healed him of diabetes – true story!). 

But he still gets skittish with sudden movements and noises so when hubby let the tyres out Pilach was scared. I went over to him and told him softly “Pilach we have had this conversation many times, you need to learn to trust me my son, mommy will never let anything bad happen to you.”
And of course, I knew what Pilach did not know that while he was scared because of perceived danger which he could not see or understand, I knew that there was no danger approaching and that I was looking out for him regardless because I would literally throw myself in front of him and danger.
And then I felt Father God smile at me and as I sat down on the bed, my heart began to warm. So many times I have heard God tell me “my child do not fear I will always be with you and I will never let anything happen to you.” How many times have I heard Yahweh tell me that and yet I still get scared. How many times does He say “trust me! When I am around NOTHING is going to hurt you.” How many times have I sat like Pilach feeling like I am just peeking through the doorway at God wanting to be noticed by Him when yet all the while He is more intrigued with me then I was with Him? I am always under His watchful eye, because He knows from where I have come and the scars on my heart which have left me frightened. How many times have I jumped at a sudden noise (or little scare tactic of the enemy) and imagined it to be an overwhelming onslaught when yet all the while my Papa knows it is only a little lizard casting a huge shadow on the wall and that I have nothing to fear. How many times am I like Pilach..... 

Father also shared with me that Pilach perceives these sounds and dangers because he experiences it from within himself. It is the same with me, while I was not scared of the deflating tyres because I understood it and saw it from a higher vantage point, when we as human beings are in a perceived danger place – we see from within ourselves. Yahweh is at the higher vantage point, He sees the environment surrounding us and He understands where the danger is coming from and whether it is real or not. I am learning now that when things get tough, we got to run in to our Daddy and take Him at His word – to believe and trust that while He is around nothing can harm us. We have to believe it, not in our minds but in our souls too. We also have to ask Father for His vision on a situation, for His eyesight of truth, getting out of ourselves and in to His wings. I learn so much from these moments with Father and with Pilach and even in this I better learn to love Pilach because I understand that from his viewpoint its dangerous and that’s okay. I have compassion on him and I love him, so I understand and I simply step forward and draw him in to a space where He hears my soothing voice and begins to understand that its okay. For me, I know my Daddys Voice is my everything, I cannot live a day without it – it’s water for my soul and Love for my being and He does the same for me, speaking over me when I am suddenly afraid. Thank You Daddy Yeshua for being all I need with You at my side I have nothing to fear!

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