Friday, 16 June 2017

FMF - You're an Investment

Five Minute Friday, writing on "Worth," GO!

 This parable of the Master, this giving master, this loving master. Giving talents to his workers, freely and without them even asking. To one is given 5 because it was so decided, but to another 2 and yet another, 1. Talents not meaning our gifts are skills, is money, a lot of money. A measurement of currency that equals 10 000 times a simple denarii. So if my daily wage of what I earn today is a simple $100 a day, times that by my lifes work of 30 years, this would mean God has invested in to my life, a muilt million dollar investment. Superabundance, grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing, He has invested in me. This investment is not a simple money treasure, but lately it means I am seeing the work of my hands for the Kingdom, in a different way. I am an investment, my Father has spent exclusive time on my design, each skill, each gift, each personality quirk, love and like, passion and joy is the unique expression of His deep love and investment. I'm not just given gifts, I am invested in and that's because Abba finds us worth it. I once read an interview with Donald Trump, where he said his father didn't give him a big start up, his dad only gave him $1 000 000 to begin a business. I rolled my eyes, a million bucks sure whose dad can afford to give them that! And yet, our lives as humans created by a Loving Master, means freely He has given, freely He has blessed and freely we have received because He thought we were worth it. Shame on us for burying it in the ground or thinking we don't have worth, His investment alone tells us we have worth. And perhaps we should go all Donald Trump like with our investment, and produce a billion fold exclusively for God's Kingdom! 

Stop! Linking with Kate M 


  1. Love, love, love this post! Yes, we have been given an investment and God expect a ROI. I love the challenge to go all Donald Trump like. What if we did? The Kingdom of God would overflow. Hello from FMF, I'm your neighbor this week.

    1. Hello dear friend RealTalk! So glad you visited this week 😀 Yea your words stirred me what if we did and how the kingdom would overflow! I'm challenged too in these words. Thank you 💓

  2. just stopping by from Five Minute Friday - I love that parable.

  3. What a timely exhortation for me to consider: how God's investment of talents in me results in a return that is far beyond what I am naturally able to produce. He calls and makes me able. Thanks for writing! -- your FMF neighbor

    1. Hi Mrs Miller, amen - I am so glad this piece was a blessing to you. I'm so happy you stopped by this week and that you are my neighbor, many blessings and hope you have a wonderful week!
