Thursday 17 November 2016

MeaningFull Poetry Week - Christina's Heart

Day 5! Truth be told - our poetry week is not running in chronological order, life has happened in between but! We are still doing it and I cannot believe how inspired we all have been feeling after reading "heart words" on these pages. This afternoon I want to share the words of a fellow writer and blogger, Christina Hubbard. I loved bumping in Christina's world of words on her blog, and since then we have formed a great kinship of writing. So here's what she says about herself; Christina Hubbard is a poet who writes memoir. Her work has appeared at (in)courage and she recently hosted #write31days of Five Minute Free Writes. She loves helping women find courage and freedom to influence their world with honest, beautiful story. A wife and mom to two squirrelly kids who will change the world, Christina loves sitting on her deck and dreaming up roadtrips and overseas adventures. Find her at Creative and Free

 Christina's Heart! (I fell in love with this poem of hers!)

Come by Here, My Lord

What do we do when love beckons, 

But we fear it?

When it requires us to knock down 

The black night of our own terrible histories,

Cement with sledgehammers,

Hate with kisses,

Bitterness with hand-holding grace.

How can we welcome the murderer into our homes,
The thief to our beds?
But I tell you, It's courage to embrace.

We are still piecing together the disintegration of our lives:

Race hate.

Religious terror.

How come we by some hope?
Come, sing, friend,
We'll weave small threads, like children around the campfire


Christina's Favourite Poem
 I love poetry which socks it to you with the turn of a word, or phrase, and stays in the concrete world. Poetry is easy when we stay in the abstract. When we struggle with the details of a moment and listen to what they want to tell us, then we begin making art that really means something. One of my favorite poets right now is Laura Van Prooyen

I highly recommend her book: Our House Was On Fire. The book's title comes from her poem "Blanket." She has a way of startling you with subtle truth in a simple line,
"but tucking my daughter in bed
I ask: If our house was on fire
which would you choose?
She says: My blanket, Mom,
'cause you can run."

Sharing Christina's Poetry over at #smallwonder link up 


  1. Thank you for including me with these fabulous writers, Aliyah! You are doing important, beautiful work!

    1. Ahhh, thanks Christina, I appreciate your words - and thank you for sharing, I absolutely loved your poem. May Father bless you and keep you <3

  2. Love these lines: "When it requires us to knock down / The black night of our own terrible histories." And the ending, too--such a beautiful image of love woven of small threads, each weaver blazing. Thanks for sharing this poem!

  3. Thanks for linking with #SmallWonder. Such a sweet poem from the book, "Blanket."
