Friday, 28 October 2016

I'm Feasting - FMF

We travelled up country for the Feast of Tabernacles, to teach and be among people we had never met before. The geyser in our room was leaking, so was the toilet and the food was terrible, but how we feasted! Feasting on the fellowship of others, feasting licking lips deliciously with the presence of our Holy King. Feasting on the Love of the Messiah. We delighted in the aroma of His Love, and we drank deeply from His cup of deliverance and freedom. How we ate with such delight!

At the entrance of the hall where we gathered for sessions where we heard teaching and preaching, one woman set up a wedding canopy just like they would do in the Ancient biblical wedding ceremony. And on the table, was a daily feast of different fruits, nuts, and all kinds of sweet offerings. We stood beneath the wedding canopy feasting on the never ending flow of fruits that came from nowhere! I marvelled at how, daily I never saw anyone replenish the table but it was always full. I was reminded at how much Abba Father has for us, how He has laid a table before us and how He tells us that it is a table which overflows (Psalm 23). Do we expand our spiritual hunger enough to go and eat? Do we still desire the fresh Spiritual Manna He wants to give us daily (Exodus 16)? Are we hungry like the bride in Solomons Song!
I am at the table Abba, knife and fork in hand, I am hungry for You, Abba I delight to feast on Your Presence, fill me!

Stop!Five minutes of unedited writing sharing over at Kate's 
And Amanda's Books 


  1. Praise God for his table that never runs out Aliyah. My appetite craves various types of foods and at times I have specific dietary needs. I'm so thankful that God knows what I need and he spreads his table to overflowing. Thanks for sharing that reminder. Blessings to you!
