Sunday 5 July 2015

Burnt Ground - Share your Story!

I want to tell you all about the section of this blog called Burnt Ground.
It was a section birthed from the ashes of the devastating fire that ravaged Cape Town and through my aunts brave fight against cancer, which ended by her going home to be with Messiah this year.
Here's a bit about Burnt Ground and I want to invite my fellow sisters to be a part of this, if you are so led. If you have a poem, a painting, a short testimony to share about something that seemed hard but turned out to be a turning point in your life, then feel free to share it with me and if it fits with the vision of my blog, it will be shared! Remember, whatever you submit must be something that shares hope and inspires others, consider it heart stories, heart poems or art! Bless you!

 Burnt Ground was something birthed in my heart by God's Holy spirit, a place where heart stories, songs, poems and stirrings can be shared. A Place of Holy soul soothing Heavenly Balm.

For me, the journey to this point has been incredible. It started with the gentle Whisper of God telling me to connect women's stories together, which happened and our E - Book was born. At the same time a devastating fire ripped through the beautiful city of Cape Town and in the fiery flames I learned about the fire and the burnt ground in our own stories and how Yeshua meets us in the places where the flames have burned the strongest. Then today, the 15th of April 2015, we buried my moms sister after a long tough courageous battle with cancer. It was hard. But an amazing thing has happened through this journey, I have learned so much through the deep ministry of the Holy Spirit for two weeks. Night after night I sat up and spoke to God about my aunts life and about the pain and suffering of a family who watched her lose the ability to walk, then her speech and then her faculities altogether. Today as we drove to the funeral God was so tenderly close to me, I could feel His breath and feel His heart beating in mine. Hope burst forth in my heart and I saw the flowers again. My aunt was not a spiritual lady at all but because she had time, she had time to make things right with God and with others. She was led to Christ and she proclaimed "I am at peace with God, I am ready to die."
God let me feel the intense Joy we have because of Christ! I cannot help but burst out in tears with the Love and Hope I feel inside. When I walked in to the church today I saw a picture up of her on the overhead projector. It was a picture of her with her late husband, she had a big smile plastered on her face. I knew she was smiling even while we were mourning, for our loss.

Because of Yeshua (Jesus) we have such hope. We dont have to fear life or death. Through my aunts life I have learned that cancer is not the end, its just the beginning. Suffering is not the end, its temporary, its just momentary because Yeshua wipes every tear from our eyes. Through the devastation of the flames and the death of my aunt I have experienced a deep change inside of my spirit. God has changed me deeply spiritually and taught me what it means to hope, spiritually in all Yeshua has done for us. Many times we celebrate the cross in our hymns, in our words and evern over holidays, but do we ever truly celebrate the Reality of the Cross.
This is a page devoted to whatever God is going to bring my way, in terms of heart stories. Stories where suffering diverged with joy. A place where the flowers of peace sprung up on dead ground. A grave is not a place to lose hope, a burnt plot is not the place to give up at because soon and very soon, God will bring the beauty, He will bring the joy and the Hope. I can promise you that because my own life resembled a burnt ground the passed fews month but in it all I have felt hope unsinkable and love unstoppable. Enjoy the stories, share the love and above all else hope in the Greatest King who ever lived and pulled the cross on our behalf so that we could make it through our own burnt ground...

If you want a story or testimony of hope to be considered, please email me at
Please note that the story has to fit in with the vision and beliefs of this blog, to be considered! Many blessings Aliyah! 

Sharing at Reflect


  1. Praying God's blessing one today. He is our hope and unfailing love. Stopping by from Reflect.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Good Morning Mondays. We too learnt through the loss of our daughter through still birth that death is not the end, we rejoice that we will see her again and now I can rejoice that she will not go through all of this worlds trials. Blessings to you
