Thursday, 22 January 2015

Lost in Your Wonder

I am so happy, so in love, so inspired, so sated, so filled with joy. All because I am Loved. This is a journey, a life, a walk of being away from everything so as to find the arms of God. I stand, I smile, people ask me why - and I tell them, because He reigns because He lives. And because He is good He gives me grace for another day, the grace to smile, the grace to dance, the grace to be me and wander around, get lost in His Maze of Grace. Because He is my Dad, my ever present help when I am hopeless, weary or sad.

Because He is Dad, I can face my tomorrow's. Sometimes when I feel like a mess, when I feel like I'm sadly less then my best, He picks me up and crowns me again, tells me child let's talk about it, I'm your friend. Then i rest my head against His chest, feel His heart inside His breast and I know, that I am valued, I am loved and together we are the Best.

I am His, He is mine, He lets me wander in His garden of untamed Love and delight. I can joy at the squirrels, feel the air greet me with warmth, laugh at the birds, play with the rainbows of butterflies that long to savour His joy in His immense garden of Love. There is so much to find here, so much to receive here, so much to gain here, so much to give. Alone, with only Him.

So in love, so in awe, so sated with only You. Yeshua You are all, the wonder in everyday, in everything. In Your Hand is Love unexplained and the fullness of Joy unknown. This is where I am, come let's walk this path again and inf delights in Your wonder, joy unexplained and in the end of it - it's You in it all, You as I have never known You before <3


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