Tuesday, 13 January 2015

A New Adventure

I sat this afternoon writing a piece on a horrific atrocity facing young girls in West Africa. I wont go in to it, I will share the link when it is posted but again my heart was moved with such depth at the reminder of what we are fighting for. The Bible tells us that we are not to be silent, we are to speak up for the oppressed and the hurting, the broken and the weeping (Proverbs 31). This reminder to all of us to speak out is found in the chapter known as the Valiant or Virtuous woman. In our modern Bibles there is a heading that separates the beginning section of 9 verses from the last 21 verses. However in the original text it was never split up because chapters and verses did not occur. That is because a woman of valour, is a woman who speaks up for injustice. I find it interesting how it was king Lemuel's mother, who taught him to speak up and pursue justice (verse 1).

Many of us are on this journey. The journey God has placed in our hearts. The journey to speak up for others, even if we dont know how. The journey to raise funds for suffering orphans or to share Bibles with those who dont have. The journey to climb Mount Everest to give a voice for human trafficked victims and rape survivors. The journey....
And now a few of us are bringing our journeys together in a God - ordained Book!
This book is a big punch in the spirit realm, that I know for sure. So let me give you a little snippet.... Women from around the world - Switzerland, China, Mauritius, South Africa, Finland, America, Ghana and India, have put their pens and hearts down on to paper to share their stories of oppression and hardship. These stories are vulnerable, they are real, stories of drug addiction, abortion, gendercide, brokenness, sexual trauma, human trafficking, food addiction, stories of hope and stories that end with Christ's redeeming Love. HalleluYah!
While we are working behind the scenes to dive in to the places God has led us to go, we are prayerfully holding up every word to the King of Kings Yeshua (Jesus) and saying Father let this be for Your Glory and for the women in this world who are being oppressed. At the heart of this book, is the women of India. From the very corner of God's watchful, loving eye He is broken for the women in India. So this book entitled "Windows across Oceans," will be released on the 21st March on this blog. The three weeks leading up to the release, some of the writers will be featured here and you will get a glimpse of their hearts and beautiful faces. So that we may take hands with our sisters in India, the book will be made available for a donation fee and the funds raised will go to Gospel for Asia's women's programs (but more on this when we get there!).
For now I want to encourage all of you to go out there and do as Amy Goodman suggested "Go to where there is silence and say something!" We have the greatest thing to say, the greatest message to bring, the message that the Bridegroom Warrior King came to earth as a Man, He died so that we could live. He took our place and wept for our chains, His tears undid our shame, He came to set the captives free - the ones chained - you and me. He died that day on that tree but rose again to Life, so that we could be forever changed and alive in peace and love, eternally. 
Spread the word, don't be ashamed - the time is now so that all the world may be saved!

(Sharing over at The Loft / Grace & Truth this week!)


  1. Thank you for your passion and conviction to speak for those who may not be able. I look forward to learning more in the coming weeks. Thank you for the reminder - "a woman of valour, is a woman who speaks up for injustice"

    Bless you.

    1. Thank you dear friend - may God bless you!

  2. Replies
    1. HI Karrilee, nice to see you. Thanks and have a great weekend :))
