Friday, 26 May 2023

FMF - We owe it to Ourselves

Writing with the Five Minute Friday community this week, the word prompt is "owe!" Here I go...

I've been thinking for a while, about a book project I completed some time ago. I prayed about it and left it. Knowing it was a very unique project and would definitely need a publisher who could believe in it, and have a vision of belief, if it was to be published. What I have also faced is how the opinions of others have impacted my own thoughts, and the kindness of Yeshua has come in to those places and let me know I am not to believe or listen to the thoughts of others. This has been a journey. A deeply personal one. To those who know me and have read my books, I have been successful from a publishing perspective. And have won awards and written best - sellers, but I don't write traditional things or even books that fit into moulds. It's the best part of my writing, and also one that makes life a little difficult when it comes to publishing. Publishers always want to make money and play it safe. But here's the thing... for some time it has been impressed on my heart to move forward with this project that has been in the background for a number of years. SO I pushed the button and submitted. Say a prayer for me, and may God's will be done...


Linking with Five Minute Friday