Friday, 16 February 2018

For a While - FMF

Five Minute Friday writing Prompt, 5 minutes Unedited! Go!

I've had more "why's over the past few months than I have for a long time. Why's that happen from deep within, from disappointment, heartache, crisis and dashed hopes or dreams. In my why's and waiting, I've noticed how often we approach God with a "search engine," mentality. We expect quick answers and yes, no realities and oh how I wish that was the case sometimes! Yet, I'm learning through my current wilderness season, that waiting's and why's can open a pathway where God's voice really does become clearer, and His answers and words are not always yes or no about what seems to be, our foremost questions of mind. But His answers are truth and the truth really does set us free. Sometimes Father's truth and the words He tells us seem to be bad tasting medicine in our mouths, because in that moment it's not really what we want to hear, but we learn that the bad tasting stuff is often the most effective. Through the why's, I'm also learning deeply in a very real way, that community can be pretty uplifting. I'm also comforted by the reality that we received 5 different calls this week from different families asking us for guidance on their current seasons of "why." Gosh, their questions and feelings mirror our own right now. So instead of giving advice, we simply sit together, even over the phone and tell each other "hey, I don't know what you should do, or why this is, but I'm your friend, you can lean on me, let's just be together in this." God is with us and He will never leave us, of this I am sure, and when the why, turns to "oh that's why," then we will at last understand or maybe we will have become stronger through the journey...

Linking with Five Minute Friday 


  1. Aliyah, this is so true! I find the same, that truth is communicated by God, not always direct answers to specific questions. We fellowship around the truth of who he is in our lives. I love the analogy of bad medicine. Im #41 next to you

  2. I love this, this section particularly spoke to me “that waiting's and why's can open a pathway where God's voice really does become clearer, and His answers and words are not always yes or no about what seems to be, our foremost questions of mind. But His answers are truth and the truth really does set us free.”
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. yes also the bitter pill need to be swallowed and digested. It is to our own best. Love the whole writing AliYah, thank you for sharing your thoughts which gives me already some answers onn my why. Thank you! & may Yahuah bless you with a wonderful shabbat in His presence sister.

  4. Aliyah, so much truth right here. Thank you. Been in a similar season for quite some time...but it's been so good for my faith. I will get back to your email- promise. Thinking/praying through an answer. There's so much.
