Monday, 18 August 2014

A headscarf of Purpose

Yes these are all my headscarves. In fact these are only one half of a whole booty treasure of headscarves I now have in my care. I have collected scarves for over four years now and as I am able, I still acquire more!
My love of scarves came in just before I got married. I spent many years in the synagogue and in my studies there God exposed me to the beauty of head coverings. I never thought of headscarves as something that was a male versus female thing, because Judaism does not see it like that. In fact headscarves are all about being in touch with your own unique femininity. Whatever the case, what I did feel was a passion to wear a headscarf from time to time and to just enjoy it. Many people wear hats, berets and scarves for a plethora of different reasons and I always enjoyed the eccentric. So I started collecting headscarves and wearing them as and when I was led to. I never embraced all the theology behind it but rather I connected to the feeling I had and communicated with Yeshua about it often. He taught me so much when I first started wearing scarves that deepened my strength and my understanding of many things. And then I was involved in a car accident and thank Father I was unharmed but badly whiplashed in my spine. I had a previous back injury so the alignment of my spine was completely out. I could no longer wear anything on my head as my neck would go in to a spasm, so I folded up my headscarves and put them away. I felt sad about it from time to time and missed the beauty of tieing and celebrating a headscarf that was uniquely me and uniquely entwined with my personal walk with God. But I let it go. After that we moved from city to country where people stared at me funny when I wore something on my head so I really sealed up the headscarf idea and thought my season with it is over. That was 2012. But Yahweh God He is just amazing because in my life, He places so many things within my heart that is always for a purpose in His perfect time. So I left the headscarves until suddenly at the beginning of this year I crossed paths with 2 Jewish young ladies who sell headscarves for a living. Their creativity, warmth and glow ignited that headscarf love in me again! This time I popped off to the shop and started all over again, with the newness of life and healing that God brought to my body and to my being. I bought loads of things - scarves and accessories and began practicing. I felt a part of me reawaken and I knew God was indeed smiling, for the little girl who loved to dress up was resurrecting again! I love to admire materials, fabrics, old fashioned clothing and vintage ideas that are uniquely different. As my wedding co-coordinator once told me "you are eccentric in the best of ways!" Coming from a creative, eccentric person himself, he meant it as a compliment and I embraced it as such. Anyway what people dont often realise is that tieing a headscarf is no easy feat, it's practice, it's time and it's creative boldness. It's an art form. But everyone has a unique touch. Today when I walk in to stores I always scan the scarves to the left and to the right, even if I am engaged in a conversation. The thing I really wanted to share today is this... recently my aunt was diagnosed with cancer and has had to have chemotherapy and radium. This process is cruel to the human body and is traumatic, yesterday we gathered at a family lunch and I had not seen her for quite some time. My mom asked me to bring some headscarves with to show her how to tie them, as her hair has now started falling off. I wrapped a few scarves up and took it to the lunch. Towards the end of the afternoon, she took a seat and I asked her about her scalp. She told me it was very sensitive and so I began to work gently, tieing a turban and then working a few accessories around it. In that moment I realised how nothing in my life (and in yours too!) is an accident. My love of headscarves can give life to someone else because for some, losing their hair is incredibly traumatic and undignified. As I tied that scarf, I knew that our passions and our loves can be acts of love and compassion to someone else. Being able to tie a headscarf for her was a blessing to me in so many ways and I have such a sense that perhaps I would like to bring this hope and this beautifying gift to someone else out there, fighting cancer. May God's will prevail.
 I want to encourage you today to think about the little loves, the things that are passions inside of you and then give them to God and ask Him; "Father how may I use this to bless someone else" and I guarantee you that you have that love for something because God placed it inside of you.. I do not believe in chance because throughout my life I have seen how little things I most enjoyed, were the things God gave me to enjoy and in the hands of a Mighty God, He uses them for the good. May God use all you are and all you have for His Kingdom alone!
With shalom in Yeshua!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marie! I definitely will, will let you know when I do! Shalom!
