Friday, 25 August 2017

FMF - Girl Guided

Five Minute Friday, I'm writing on the word "Guide," so let's see what comes up! GO!

When the word guide comes up, I'm suddenly sitting with a picture in my mind of girls in pink, ribbons in their hair, sticks in hand. Call them the girl guides, it was a huge trend to join the guides when I was little. I never did though. But I'm super sure guides was useful, teaching you how to trek, build fires and tie knots. When you grow up though, you soon realise there is no ultimate guide for life, no manual, no how to, and you are left feeling a little bit scared some times. Overwhelmed with the questions or experiences life gives to you. The passed few weeks I've allowed myself the needed step back, to step in to Gods presence, not only for guidance, but for togetherness. I've felt confused about a number of things, and it has been good to be there, to be present with God. I think the discipline of presence, is a worthy pursuit. So is the reality that prayer is an experience of pondering, reflecting, and often just stillness with the Almighty. While life deosn't offer open handed answers, I know Yeshua does, and when He doesn't answer, He leads, He guides. It's a journey, an adventure, a place of travelling, life is often uncharted but I think we are all girl guides, learning truths that can guide us further. If we learn from todays lesson, tomorrow may be a little easier, and eventually we  will become an instructor helping others through the swamps we once fell in to....
Linking with Five Minute Friday


  1. I love the phrase discipline of presence...what a wonderful thought. As I lean into His guidance I will keep this in mind.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Shalom Alida, nice to meet you :) I pray His blessed presence will be so strong in your life and heart as He guides. Many Blessings to you in abundance!

  2. I like the idea of my mistakes, the places I've struggled becoming the lessons for the next person. Thanks for sharing your image of a guide girl. Coming to you from FMF #24.

    1. Hey Janyre, thanks for visiting. I will go check you out at number 24! I pray you have a fabulous week...

  3. Learning in life. That's what life is about. And then our learning can be put to use to help others. I was never a girl guide, but your description of them makes me want to be one.

  4. Aliyah--what a great metaphor you wove here, "If we learn from today's lesson, tomorrow may be a little easier, and eventually we will become an instructor helping others through the swamps we once fell in to..." Our small group leaders always remind us that a "yes" this time makes obedience and trust easier the next time.
    Well said.
