Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Dance to the Song

I want to sing today, tonight to let it all out - to dance and sing and just rejoice for my King is everything!
Hear the music play, sing, dance and sway. Life with You my King is such a beautiful dance and I just love this dance of Grace and intimacy. You and I live in a world where no one else exists - it's only us, You and me, the princess and the King. Let's dance and sway - dance this life away, together! For purpose, for life, for love - forgetting everyone and everything, I was made for You. Take my eyes away from everything, I fix them on your Face, to know you more, to love you - to be known and loved by you that's what it's all for. People have so much to learn - so much to learn about taking their eyes from the crowd and fix them on you, for what good is it to be known but unknown by You - the only One who matters. 
Dance, I have left it all to follow you, I want nothing of it, I want only You! Let the robes of yesterday burn, today I put on the garment of praise - the flowers are here, the promised flowers have come, let's dance beneath the stars and let's sway!

*Yeshua's (Jesus') Love is so personal, I really want to encourage you today to find your own path and your own walk. Don't carve out someone else's path, each one of us was made for a special dance, for a unique song - maybe its a waltz, maybe its a two-step or a vibrant salsa whatever the case, you need to find Your Lover's song and the dance He dances with you. Get your eyes off the crowd, I sense Him saying - fix it all on Him and let it all go! dance with Him because He alone is worthy. Find the purpose for your life, and then give it all away, like Picasso said "the meaning of life is to find your gift. the purpose of life is to give it all away......"


  1. This is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing it. Just stopping in from the Coffee for Your Heart link up. Nice to meet you.... Leigha

    1. Hi Leigha thank you! May you be so blessed today as you find your song! Nice to meet you too thanks for visiting #
