Friday, 6 March 2015

Gather yourself around the One who is Peace

I had this sense that I wanted to share this testimony with the FMF peeps, as well as Velvet Ashes this week. The theme for FMF this week is gather and as I saw the prompt, the first thing that entered my mind was a line from a song I had to sing at this random show, some 12 years ago. 

I gather myself around my faith, that lights
the darkness most feared - Jewel

This week I want to share a testimony with you, many of us are going through some rough terrain in our own lives. Besides our own lives, we see the injustices in the world and wonder what can we do, how can we overcome! When my friend Heather sent me this amazing audio testimony as part of our Windows across Oceans Writing Project, the Holy Spirit really spoke to me and blessed me through it. Please take 10 minutes of your time to listen to this testimony it really is going to bless you! When you find yourself in the midst of a crisis, gather around the One who is Peace!

(Sharing today with Front Porch Inspired 

Please just press the pause button on the player at the bottom right of the screen, or else the music and the testimony will play at the same time!

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