Friday 10 April 2015

FMF - Home is my Relief!

Five Minute Friday, I havent joined up for a while but here goes, on your marks GO!!


The sound of laughter at the end of a long day. The feeling of pulling those shoes off and leaving them on a floor that is all your own. Relief, the place you lay your head down and the place you let yourself be you. Home, relief is found in my home.
The world has started spinning at such a fast pace, everyone is moving, rushing, the world is spinning, driving faster, on and on its spinning. Coldness, hardness, sometimes the sound of chaos, rushing its time to get done. That's the world but not in my home.

In my home, we dont rush, we dont strive, we play. We rest, we pray. It's a place to call our own, a place the world cannot know - it's just ours, and I am so thankful today for my home! And for who I share it with - my hubby and our cat <3

Linking up with Kate M


  1. There really is nothing quite like having your own "space" to call home, and having someone to share it with! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Home... a place of refuge and relief! I completely agree! Thanks for sharing your words and thoughts with us!

  3. Aww...having peace at home is such a great feeling. Love the imagery of this!

    1. I realised while reading your comment that having peace at home was a prayer of mine for years and something I wrote in my marriage vows., Wow really is a fulfillment of prayer because peace at home is so important Thank you God! And thanks for commenting!
