Friday 10 June 2016

FMF - Tears of Want

Time to Join Five Minute Friday, Go!

Want. We understood the word. Need. We cried out in our need. Burden. Two months of bills piling up, a burden. In the arms of God, there we laid our heads and wept in our want, in our need. And still there rose a greater want, in the warmth of tears, this insatiable desire for the Unending Living God. 

All my wanting, eclipsed my need, for the God I met in the shadows of not knowing. Peace surpassed the want, Love took shape in my heart. My heart hopeful, my sleep restful. Everything perfect, even though outwardly to this world of flesh and eyesight, there was no solution in sight. A job offer offered. I turned inward to where Yeshua dwells, He shook His head, this is not what I want for you He said. I closed my eyes, turned it down and with it disappeared all the money signs we so needed.

Want, worldly things mean nothing. I want my Lover, the Lover of my Soul, His promise for this temporary storm to pass, even in a minute. And it was so, in a minute every bill covered, we saw hands open wide, hearts of love poured out for us. We rejoice, sated. His Love secure, His promises so sure. My tears still warm from love and want, the want for more of Him....

Linking with Kate M 


  1. Wanting God - exactly. great post. found you at Five Minute Fridays.
    You can share this tomorrow at Word of God Speak -

  2. Hey Janis - I will do!! Thanks for visiting.

  3. I love this! A mystical heart after Him, trusting He will be who He says He is page after page of His book. And receiving more of who He is in the waiting and obedience. Lovely post. Stopping by from FMF. Blessings to you!
