Sunday, 15 November 2015

Unplanned rhythm

This week, my husband and I have been trusting in God for a big need and we are still trusting and in the trusting, I have found some deep things, well beautiful wells that tell of deep Love from Fathers deep well Heart. 
This year has been different for us and as we come to that time of year where we almost sit back and look back with a contented sigh, I am happy. 
It's not the kind of happiness that means everything is okay, but it's the kind of happiness that makes me so happy to have a big Father who is so deeply looking after me, can you see the tears in my eyes yet?

Our year started with Father calling us out of teaching, in to a place of no finances and a whole lot of faith. Throw the seed I am giving you in to the world Papa said, and know that you will go through a wilderness, the financial brook will dry up but I am with you. That was our words, so with bags packed we headed out of our Egypt (the classes had become spiritual bondage as the people would go not further in the journey) and we lunged forward in to the wilderness. Wow, talk about learning to dance to the rhythm of Yahweh when you are out there in the wilderness. A few months later, a dream of mind was amazingly birthed, I signed a book contract to publish my first book and it was amazing. Two months later our ministry expanded and we started video teachings where we shared the deep messages of God for this season. Faithfully my husband worked at teaching himself video editing, after effects and crazy video making, he foudn this creative side of him and I am so in awe of what he has done. He really makes the teachings come alive! Then in June I started struggling with my neck and was forced in to a three month sabbatical which was really hard. It was here where I went deeper in to my journey of rest. A journey I have been on for a few years and finally the rhythm of rest moved deeper still in to my being. 
Faithfully we have continued the journey, and yeah financial wilderness - you gonna burst soon! And this evening we got together with a friend for supper and as we listened to him speak (he stayed behind in Egypt trying to teach one of the classes) he expressed so many of the things we had encountered when we were still there. Just listening to what was happening made my spirit tired, you cant change what doesnt want to change. But when my husband and I walked in to the quiet retreat that is our home, we smiled big at one another, took each others hands and prayed with tears in our eyes. Thank you Papa for leading us in Your rhythm of Love, this place may seem crazy or non - sensical but it's perfect! We are happy and in awe of what Yeshua does and everything He does is perfect. Perhaps sometimes we do need reminders especially if you are persevering in the trial. So it's a reminder always to all of us, that wherever Father is leading is perfect even if its a big change, or a non - sensical one, it's gonna make sense eventually. It's all about staying in step, keeping rhythm to the tune of Heaven and dancing with the King of Glory everyday. As a little girl I used to spin round and round to the music my gran used to play on record, it was the most fun I used to have. That sense of sticking my arms in the air and spinning, nothing mattered, I was free.

So here's to the spinning rhythm of Grace, playing loud to God's record player!

 Sharing with Velvet Ashes

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