Friday, 26 December 2014

Joy in the deepest Place

In November 2012 I stood in the middle of an art gallery staring at the beautiful trinkets spread across the beautiful veranda. Twenty twelve was a turbulent year for me, I fell ill, suffered emotionally from the physical problems I had and felt the weight of my struggling relationships. I was caught in a trubulent storm that had resembled a hurricane. And yet there I was holding on to the One Lonely Tree that remained rooted in the ground while the storm blew through my town. The Tree was Yeshua, Christ the steady Rock. I clung to Him so tightly my knuckles were white and I hoped beyond all hope that life would turn around but it was so dark.

As I stood there in that gallery with the sense of feeling lost, I felt God lead me over to a section where a plethora of wooden hearts hung. My eye immediately fell on one with the word "Joy" written on the centre of it. Joy? The very thing that felt light years away from me, are You kidding God joy? Buy that one He said and so I bought it and hung it right by my front door and hoped in the deepest place of me, that joy would indeed one day soon, be my portion. But as the days slipped on, the darkness did not shift but still I held on - lead me to the Rock that is higher then myself....

Unlike books, novels or movies life is indeed a pathway, a walk, a place where we sometimes have to linger longer then we would like but all of it is purpose - worthy when we have Messiah. My storm did shift, my illness did get healed maybe not in the way I had pictured, but in the way God had it planned out for me. My relationships were restored and my life turned around. I came out of the storm, stronger, with more conviction and more convinced then ever that Yeshua is real and that He is totally in control. In short, my life changed and so did my destiny. I have always been a God chaser, someone who loves God intensely from the very moment I was saved, through every season in my life, I have gradually changed and I am so thankful that God knows the journey and the destination.

God promised me joy and God delivered it on time - joy as I have never felt before. Sometimes God gives us promises that seemed delayed, but they are never too early or too late. Hold on to the promises God gives you and do war with them because they are truth.

Father, I am so thankful today for the joy You have given me. Thank You for keeping Your word to me and please remember every promise You have given me and are yet to fulfil. I trust You and Love You. In the name of my God and Saviour King Yeshua!


  1. Love the joy that shines through your story here. And so powerful to admit that the healing (or the other side of the struggles) doesn't always look like we had hoped, and yet there is joy.

    1. Hi Danielle - thank you so much for your encouraging comment! It is powerful and very freeing to tell our stories when they are messy and beautiful! Have a wonderful week!

  2. He is amazing? Isn't he? Thanks for linking with Velvet Ashes!

    1. Hi Amy thank you - I enjoyed finding Velvet Ashes and thanks for doing the ink up so we can share our journeys!
