Saturday, 29 March 2014

Transitions... transition I embrace Gods transitions

Sometimes perhaps we try and find words that cannot be found really. But tonight, love love love and God - He is my love, love love.
Transitions - life is full of machine like transitions that move quietly and calmly, this is the way of Gods transitions and I love it. I sense this and I love it. I love this picture above - a doorway in the midst of a beautiful, calm forest and the doorway? Well, you cannot see where it goes because I believe once she steps through it - the scenery changes and the Love? Well, it deepens and the dance intensifies and the Love? It strengthens. But you said love twice? Yes, I did! Can I say it again! And the Love, it deepens. 
Yeshua, Yeshua....
Let's walk through the door together, You take my hand and I am so free in You, so free, so free. Thank You for transitions - I let it all go,all of it. Let's go, take my Hand. Dance.... we are free! 

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