Proverbs 31 has become the pin up poster, the hallmark of the so - called "Godly woman." But what if it was fashioned for more, what if the picture of the woman in Proverbs 31 is not just about one woman, or even every women. What if it is a prophetic picture of the faithful in our generation. I submit to you, that it is! For too long, women everywhere have felt ashamed, disillusioned, confused and even disconnected from the modern day subservient woman that many proclaim as the Proverbs 31 woman.
teaching is a gem, a fresh spring of water, this is a message, for you
and for me. For every woman everywhere. There is no such thing as a
virtuous woman, in fact the word never existed in Hebrew and it never
featured in the Bible until the 16th century. The Eshet Chayil, is
in fact a strong, warrior woman of God who rises in the present
darkness with a sword in her hand and the Messiah in her heart.
message is for you woman of God, you were never meant to "play small"
but to arise and stand strong, bold, fierce and powerfully tall.
Come along for the Message....
This message features in two parts, this is part one : Proverbs 31 - The Prophesied Woman of Strength
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