Friday, 10 July 2015

FMF - Hope when its Slow

Five Minute Friday where we write for five minutes, unedited and spontaneous! Here goes...

Hope, what hope did Mary have to hold on to when the angel whispered shocking words that would change her life and ultimately her destiny? What words of hope would she have had to hold on to, when her betrothed and beloved Joseph was going to put her away? What hope did she have to hold on to when she gave birth to a beautiful son only to witness His cruel death at the hands of sinners?
What hope do I hold on to, when in this time of waiting. What hope for the weary soul when there seems to be no end in sight and yet here it comes, over and over again. Hope in Me, Hope in Me.
What joy and magnificent hope, when even in our humanness we seek for the answer to a question that is not answered, but He whispers Hope in Me.
Hope when the birth is slow in our lives, and the labour painful and our lives are like a growing oak tree, slow and seasonal. Hope, because everything will be okay, it always is. Hope because it's honey for our soul and rest, because His palm is open and we are invited in to the secret place of Love. Hope because He is the Hope of Israel (Jeremiah 17:13).

 Linking with Kate M


  1. What a beautiful post! I love the reminder that He whispers to us those words.I also love the song you have playing on your site.
    Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom today!

    Blessings, Carrie

    1. HI Carrie, good to meet you. THank you so much for your kind words! have a wonderful weekend!

  2. such an amazing post, bless you.
