Friday, 24 October 2014

FMF: Dare to be!

Five Minute Friday! Start!

Dare, you call me daring when I stare down intimidation to be myself.
Dare, I am daring - God called me to be free, to be all and everything of me.
Dare, like Joshua, - brave, courageous, daring.
Dare, it's about bravery, it's about diving from the top, about being more then your skin, more then your flesh, take it off to meet the real God, to meet the real King, to meet the real you.
You have to be someone who is willing to risk it all, take the daring leap, the jump into what is amazing, to be all you are for the Kingdom of eternity.
Dare, I dare to stand in my own shoes and love them, to settle within the boundaries I have erected, to live within the guidelines God has mentored me in. I dare to stand face to face with those who don't care about who I am or who you are, I won't dare back down.
Dare, wasn't Messiah the most daring Person to walk this earth! Leaving the joy, the Holiness, the beauty and love of Heavens throne to come sojourn here - in a place defiled by peoples sin, in a place of ridicule, torture and rejection. Wasn't He daring by giving it all up so that He could pick it all up again and piece it all together through the wood of His own cross?
So shouldn't we as His kids be daring too, to cry out as Paul did "to live in this life is Christ but even death is gain to me."
Daring, here is the chance for you to risk it all woman out there, a chance to build your boundaries firm, to know who you are in Christ, to risk it all to find it, to jump, take the leap and join them. The men and women of faith who went before and to join Christ by being transformed in to His image daily, now that's daring....

Stop! Linking up with Kate Motaung


  1. Visiting from Five Minute Friday - what a beautiful, inspiring post!

  2. Wise words. I love the part about daring to stand in my own shoes and love them. One of the hardest things that I struggle with! Thank you for sharing today.
